I mentioned the problem some time ago in another thread, but can´t really find it right now, maybe it´s lost.
Problem occurs with Maya2011, Deadline 4.1 SP1 (clients+repository up to date, fresh repository installed)
I submit a job from within maya2011 with different layers, frame ranges etc.
As i´m not able to set a priority for each layer when submitting, everything gets the same priority.
Clients start to render and work on the same job (each layer separate job)
This all works as it should I assume.
Now i change the priority in my deadline monitor for one of the jobs.
So the slaves should complete their actual task of JobA with priority70, but after completing I´d like them to switch to jobB whose priority I changed to 85.
This doesn´t work.
The slaves complete the whole job and even after finishing this one they don´t check for priority…
even further each of the slaves grabs a random job, so they are not all working on the same one, which is absolutely not what I want or need.
Instead of submitting all layers at once I also tried to submit each layer with a specific priority…problem is the same
Repository is set to: Priority_Pool_Date
No pools defined, no groups defined
Maybe this still is related to the problem I mentioned in the thread “long time till slaves grab a job”. I dunno.
But I freshly installed the repository on a new machine, which is exclusively used for deadline (windows server 2003)
First I installed windows server 2008, but I couldn´t get rid of the slave update info failed message, altough all permission were definitly granted)
I dunno why I´m having all those problems with deadline lately.
Could this be also network related?
In general our network runs fine, no other problems.