Problem---Deadline v2.7 Monitor can't processed

Hi Ryan!

1、My OP System:Chinese windows operating system SP2



Deadline Monitor was still halting when it comes to that “display main windows…”.

There is not any window popup, but 100% of CPU has been using(Long long time).

How to fix this bug? :slight_smile:


Hi there,

This problem is discussed here:

There isn’t a fix for 2.7, which is why we suggested testing out the 3.0 beta. From the feedback we’ve received, this doesn’t seem to be an issue with the 3.0 Monitor. I’ve checked and you’re on the beta board, so if you’re still having this problem with the 3.0 beta, let us know by posting on the 3.0 beta discussion forum.


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan.
Deadlin 3.0 beta no this problem under chinese windows xp sp2.
