Recently we have been converting some older Deadline 2.7 scripts to be compatible with 3.1. We are customizing the to be more suited to our needs and I believe I’ve found a problem using with Render.exe.
The problem I’m experiencing is that I’m taking the render arguments and trying to feed them into Render.exe, and Render.exe does not accept spaces in the filenames. In The problem is on line 132 of where it reads:
self.LocalRenderDirectory = CreateTempDirectory( "mayaOutput" )
I’ve read around on here -and correct me if I’m wrong- so doesn’t CreateTempDirectory always place the temporary directory in: “[b]C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData[/b]”?
This is a similar issue to my supervisor’s post at: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2756
When trying to render with Render.exe (which was defined in MayaCmd.dlinit), any directory with spaces throws an error similar to:
Invalid flag: -fnc 3 -r mr -v 5 -rt 0 -proj j:/proj_location -rd C:\Documents
after feeding in the returned renderArguments (more customized to us):
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2008"\bin\Render.exe -s 1 -e 5 "-fnc 3 -r mr -v 5 -rt 0 -proj "j:/proj_location" -rd "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\mayaOutput0"" "j:/proj_location/"
The directory returned after the -rd flag was the location to the directory returned from CreateTempDirectory( “mayaOutput” )
Is there any way to define where the temp directories are going to be created using your built in function? Is there a better method to follow which would fix this problem?