I’ve just spent the past 3 weeks coding a new network plugins sync tool for our studio, whose job it is, surprisingly, to sync files from a network location to the local machine. The tool is to be used with 3ds Max and Fusion, but technically could be used for any application…
The problem (I haven’t tested this yet) is how to pass in parameters to the tool so that it can configure itself and sync the appropriate files to the local system. The tool is currently designed to strip out it’s required parameters and pass on the left overs to the target executable.
Because the tool has also been designed with the ability to “switch” projects (ie, it can sync the required files for project A, but then sync the required files for project B), the tool requires at least 1 parameter to tell it which project settings to use, this allows us to utilise the full spectrum of machines we have available for all concurrent projects and reduce the possibility for mismatched plugins.
Is it possible to specify “additional” command line options to be sent to the “render executable” through deadline (which would be pointing to our tool, acting as a proxy, which would then launch the actual renderer)??
Is it possible to specify a “link” as the “render executable”??
Do you have a better idea??
I have thought about using a “config” file, but this is not suitable, because we need to the flexibility to change the project settings…