PRT color into PFlow

Xenodream now has PRT export - I have put a small test file on Rapidshare - available here … M_0000.rar (5 mb) - The 10 mill particles have been exported from Xenodream in “optimized” distribution mode - resulting in 446,401 particles.

So, now I am wondering, if it is somehow possible to transfer color data from a PRT loader into a PFlow system?


Yes, but only in 3ds Max 2009 with Extensions and 3ds Max 2010. Before that, loading the Color channel resulted in a lock caused by a bug in PFlow.
(We have a special version of Max 2008 that has this fixed, but nobody else does).

Basically, you use the Krakatoa PRT Loader Birth and Update operators, picking a PRT Loader as the source, and check the Color channel to be updated.
See here for ideas: … update.php

The Color channel of Krakatoa is generally copied into the Vertex Color Channel of PFlow (and vice-versa). Vertex Color Channel is also known as Mapping Channel 0 and can be easily visualized in a Scanline rendering by applying a Material to the PFlow with Diffuse Map set to Vertex Color Map reading channel 0.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction - just adding the PRT loader update did the trick…
