PRT in pflow color particles

i need to creat a character in voxel like render
so i have a colored volume PRT

so i creat a Krakatoa prt birth,
add a krakatoa prt update with position id velocity and color,
a shape with cube ( for rendering )
but at this point i don t know how i can put the color of my prt cloud
on my pf particles

i try to put a mappingobject an target my skinned character but it s heavy at the end
it must be possible to grab color from prt

maybe it s easy and someone already ask sorry for that

The Color channel of the PRT file arrives as “Vertex Color” mapping channel 0 in the PFlow if you have the Color checked in the Krakatoa PRT Update.
So all you have to do is add a Static Material operator with a Standard Material using a Vertex Color Map in the Diffuse channel and you should see your Color channel in the mesh rendering.
You could even see the Vertex Color on the particles in the viewport if you right-click the PF Source emitter in the Particle View, select Properties and check “Vertex Color Display” (this must be done in Particle View and not in the Viewport!)

great ! :slight_smile: thanks a lot it was very simple :smiley: