Prt_Loader Clone Modified

I love the prt_loader!! what stops it from being able to clone it with the modifier from iTOO ?
is it something i should ask them “to fix” ? or something you guys could do?

i thinkthe possibility of duplicating prt_loaders and modifingy them is very very powerful, very interesting effects can be achieved by replicating the prt loader and placing it somewhere else,
the clone modifier would be a perfect companion to replicate and control its position…

The PRT Loader is a very special beast. It pretends to be a regular Geometry Object (in order to allow the addition of Deformation modifiers to its stack), but it does not provide any geometry flowing up the stack (since Max does not have the same concept of data channels that we use internally). Instead of passing data up the stack, the PRT Loader “hijacks” the modifier stack and runs its own data through the modifiers in the correct order. So what you see in the viewports and the renderer is currently produced and controlled by the base object, not by Max evaluating the modifier stack the usual way to get a result on top. Thus, if the PRT Loader does not know how to handle the Clone Modifier, it won’t work. I don’t think the iToo guys can do anything about it because we are dancing out of line here, not them. We have had plans to redesign our modifier stack data flow, but it is quite complicated and since it sort of works already, we don’t want to break it right now when there are so many cool things we haven’t even touched yet.

What we were planning to give you (the Krakatoa users) was the ability to create hierarchical PRT Loaders (we even had a little prototype inhouse a while ago). Basically the idea would be to use a PRT sequence (including Position and Rotation data) to drive the positions of other PRT Sequences.

Cloning a PRT Loader and using some MAXScript code to drive the motion is also a possibility, as well as the “Transfer Particle Motion To Scene Objects” approach using Script Operators in PFlow to drive scene objects… So it is not exactly impossible to create cool setups. But we can definitely do more.

i thought itwas special! :smiley:

“the ability to create hierarchical PRT Loaders (we even had a little prototype inhouse a while ago). Basically the idea would be to use a PRT sequence (including Position and Rotation data) to drive the positions of other PRT Sequences.”


it is actually exactly what I do. I have discovered a technique (superflow) which does just that. You create an object, make duplicates, then create a hierarchy, making the first object the mother, 2nd the child, 2ndchild being the mother or the 3rd child, etc. Once this is done, all you have to do is set the pivot for all objects to the mother object. That’s it, and you get superflow! All you have to do is rotate all objects around one axis.It has the identical core pattern of the superformula discovered by johan gielis. But this method uses a completely different procedure, much more simple and very flexible. Heres a video demonstration comparing it to the superformula:

max script code to create this amazing setup:

CenterPivot selection

for i in 1 to (selection.count - 1) do append $[i].children $[i + 1]

for i in 2 to selection.count do $[i].pivot = $[1].pivot

The iToo guys actually rewrote me their modifier and it works now as well! Of course I can superflow with this “normal” technique the prt_loaders , but having a modifier that u can procedurally adjust (# of clones, animate position rotation scale) is of course more flexible, than doing everything by hand. And of course, even better if this could all be done inside the prt_loader.

1)So is there the possibility of integrating that into the prt loader in the future? duplicating one partition, having the option of setting a hierarchy, and getting position/rotation controls? Pretty much like a built in array tool that is animatable, and allowing the option for hierarchy.

2)I just saw the IndexChannel tutorial, pretty amazing! Is it possible then to create a hierarchy on the Indexes, and have all of them pivot around the first Index? Could you help me create such a kcm flow? :question:

that video is just nuts.


Haha, watch it crossed-eyed :smiley:

Clone is awesome, have they posted that update by any chance?

no, and we are gonna develop it further-

the new plugin has such a dramatic difference that it will be released under the name Superflow

hahha, great idea, i should have made the perspectives slightly offset for stereoscopic experience :slight_smile:

but why dont you try to make it yourself, its very simple!!!

after creating 500 objects just link them with this script

for i in 1 to (selection.count - 1) do append $[i].children $[i + 1]

then you dont have to do it by hand

then just make the pivot for all that of the mother, and start rotating!!!

As per the update to the iToo clone modifier, dynamic creation of PRT’s would be sweet :wink:, had a few ideas I would mind trying after you mentioned that.