Is there a way to make prt loader particles available to afterburn or fumefx?
I have cached a flow and imported it with the prt loader and applied some bend modifiers to distort the path. Works great, with the exception that I guess it is no longer considered a class of particle system. Or is is possible to save the modified prt to another prt to load back into particle flow?
I then tried a different approach using the Krakatoa birth and file update, works great, until i try to modify it (which logically probably can’t work since the update file is constanty checking the particles), ie by adding a force modifier, causes erratic behaviour.
Sorry, but better to have a workaround than no way at all.
We had to go with a geometry class object for the system to allow for modifiers, but it is not really a Max particle system. It does not implement any of the particle system interfaces and would not be able to pass any geometry data to a 3rd party renderer for example.
That being said, Afterburn does not really depend on getting geometry, all it needs is info about particle positions and size. I guess we could work with Creso to get PRT Loaders to get direct Afterburn support. If I see Sitni Sati at Siggraph, we can surely discuss this. I am not even sure whether we would have to change the PRT Loader implementation or they would have to support PRT Loaders explicitly… Whatever the case, it sounds like a good idea.
Not a problem, once I tried it and it worked all was good
I figured as much with the geometry class, and I agree certainly the best way to go. It is really pretty sweet to be able to apply modifiers to particles.
BTW the pflow operators are great!
Cool, it would be nice to have some sort of access, would certainly save some time and open some interesting possibilities.