is it possible to get ignore missing particles inside prt loader?
when rendering with vray this option is not in the renderer, and in certain circumstances you might have several different prt sequences loaded in the prt loader to try different things out, but only want to render one of them, lets say i have 5 prt sequences, then i have to hand keyframe each one of them just in case they are different frame ranges, just to bypass the deadline error of missing particle
this is even for sequences where viewport and render are not checked
How are the particles used in VRay? Via Frost, or via PFlow?
The reason the PRT Loader throws an error with missing particles is that it is very possible to have a corrupted PRT file out of thousands files in real production, or a temp. network blackout where the particles could not be loaded. If the renderer would ignore this case by default, production output could suffer flickering frames that would require eye inspection. Such an error could remain undiscovered until it is too late to recreate the missing data and a studio could miss a deadline which has severe financial implications.
So our policy was to fail when something is wrong instead of assuming it doesn’t matter. We added the option in the Krakatoa renderer to ignore missing frames and render anyway after heavy protests from artists, but it is a big red button in the UI.
In the PRT Loader, you have the option to disable any sequences that have missing frames within the active interval (“Don’t Render Missing Frames” button in the Particle Count rollout of the PRT Loader).
But if the renderer checkbox of a sequence is unchecked, the PRT Loader is supposed to completely ignore that sequence. If VRay + Deadline fail in that case, it would be a bug, so I need to know how are these sequences used by VRay and try to reproduce the issue.
i would hope that everything gets eye inspection nonetheless!
i cant guarantee it were the other non renderable sequences that caused the error, just know that frame failed based on missing .prt in deadline, ill have to recheck