Pulse as service not performing Power Management Check

I want to run pulse as service on a windows server machine, which is working fine (i see it’s running in the monirot) … BUT, it appears it’s not doing power management check.
I have configered Power Management to shutdown and startup rendernodes and that was working fine when launcher was not installed as service. But when I reinstall it to run as service, the power management doesn’t seem to be working.

When I select the Pulse in Monitor and do
Rightclick > Remote Control Pulse > Perform Power Management Check
(to ‘force it ?’), the Remote Commands window pops up, but I see nothing in there that shows I even triggered the command.

The powerup management is set up to Run Command for Machine Startup using
python \\server\path\script.py {slave_IP}
as command to fire up the machine using IPMI.
So either the script isn’t fired properly when running as service OR the entire Power Management Check isn’t performed (and thus not triggering the command at all) … I think.

Anything abvious I’m missing ?

Small update, it looks like the power management is working (I setup a notification email adress and received Pulse’s intention to start up a node), but the command isn’t triggered properly … Could it have something to do with the service not having access to or is allow to run python \\server\path\script.py {slave_IP} ?