I try to use the examples scripts from the online help
it works for the “Getting Farm Statistics” but I have an error with the other one “Getting Specific Job Information”
when I test it in my browser(firefox), I have the message : Error - Not a supported command.
the http address I use is
the script is correctly placed in the the pulse folder and the script name is correct!
does anybody know what can be the problem ?
Where did you place the PrintJobDetails.py script? It should go in \your\repository\scripts\Pulse. That error message indicates that it can’t find the script.
the scripts are in the good place because GetFarmStatistics works but not PrintJobDetails and there are both in the same folder.
Hmm. Just tested it here and it worked. Is it possible you have multiple repositories installed, and you’re placing PrintJobDetails.py in a repository that’s different than the one that Pulse is connecting to?
no, I just have one repository, and only one pulse is running. I think everything is installed correctly
Very weird… I’m a bit stumped, especially because the Get Farm Statistics script is working for you…
Can you go to your repository, zip up the “scripts” folder, and post it? We can try dropping that folder into our repository to try and reproduce.