Pulse Web Service Woes

so i am going to tell this story in pictures and txt files i think.
i cannot get the pulse web service to run any more.

i could not add a 4th attachment to the original post so here is the pulse log

Pulse Log.txt (21.6 KB)

Since enabling the Web Service in the repo options, have you restarted the Pulse application? If so, can you restart it again, with Pulse Verbose Logging enabled under “Application Logging” and the Pulse log should explain why the web service is not starting for you. At the moment, your provided log is saying:

Pulse verbose logging is enabled already and i have restarted pulse.
i have restarted it again and put the log below.

this is what the log says after i closed and restarted it.

Connecting to Pulse (rendermanager:62050)…
2015-07-01 11:22:44: Server Thread - Auto Configuration: Listening for auto configuration requests on [::]:17071:17071
2015-07-01 11:22:44: Web Service - Web Service is disabled. It can be enabled in the Pulse Settings in the Repository Options.
2015-07-01 11:22:44: Web Service - If the Web service is enabled while Pulse is running, Pulse must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
2015-07-01 11:22:50: Power Management: No machine restart notification address specified in Repository Options - cannot send notification
2015-07-01 11:22:52: Connecting to Pulse log

as you can see from the previous images, the web service is enabled.

Strange. Few more questions then…

  1. Has anything changed in your Pulse machine setup recently, which might explain this? Or are you only just setting up Pulse Web Service under Deadline v7.x for the first time? If so, do you need to make any firewall exceptions here?
    docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … iderations

  2. Typically, running the web service under Windows, requires a reservation to be made - “Windows Namespace Reservation”. Is this a new machine or are you running Pulse as a different user account and hence any Windows Namespace Reservation for that particular user account is no longer valid?
    docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … eservation

  3. I see your using port: “8081”, whereas we ship by default with 8080, but this would be changed by a user if you already have a web server running over port 8080. Is it possible another web server is running on port 8081 or there is clash with another application?
    In a command prompt: “netstat -an” will list any IP’s and their ports currently in use on this system, which should help you track down if this is the case.

  4. What version of Deadline are you using? I just tested both v7.1.2.1 and v7.2 beta and both are fine on Windows & OSX.

  5. Finally, the path (repo) that the Pulse is connected to, is the same repo path that you are connecting to and configuring the web service on?

i am going to have to hand this off to our IT team to look into.
i will get info from them and get back in touch.

thanks for the help.

any luck with getting the pulse web service to work?
I got the same problem after we upgraded to deadline 7, everything worked fine with deadline 6.