Quering from Deadline

I can launch a new Deadline job by selecting an already existent job in a Deadline Monitor, then right-clicking and choosing a Submit-Job-To- … and selecting a job from a list available submission jobs in this “right-click” category.
Since all those submitters listed in this right-click menu are the python scripts (which are all stored in a same repository directory:

I guess Deadline sends (or passes) some chunks of information or data to these scripts to be used as the arguments or parameters with the commands these Python scripts will be executing or running.

I would like to write a Python script that would launch a RV player with a single argument received from Deadline: a path to the rendered by Deadline image sequence:

rv c:/path/to/image_sequence/image_sequence.####.jpg

where “rv” is the name of the command to run rv player.

What would be a correct syntax to query from a Deadline the file path of the rendered image sequence? And how to make this Python script available in a right-click menu? Many thanks in advance!

The job right-click scripts actually pull all they info they need from Deadline (they aren’t passed any information). For an example, go to \your\repository\scripts\Jobs\JobRVIOSubmission\ and open JobRVIOSubmission.py in a text editor. It shows how the script gets the output file count, and then loops through each output. More information on job right-click scripts can be found here:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … ob_Scripts

Here are some functions available specifically for job right-click scripts:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … _Utilities

For launching a process, you can use ProcessUtils:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … _Utilities

For example:

ProcessUtils.SpawnProcess( "path/to/rv.exe", "c:/path/to/image_sequence/image_sequence.####.jpg" )

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan