Quicktime Job From Nuke render Job


Just looking for advice on this subject

I’d like to create a Quicktime while Submitting a Nuke render Job to Deadline. (dependency job ?). So Nuke render Job + Quicktime Job in one step.
One possibility would be to hack the original submit files (provided with Deadline) but It looks like it s using TCL scripting + Python Scripting. Are both used (like TCL calling Python) during a submit operation?.
In this case , do we have to wait for the ID of Nuke job to create a Quicktime job (Pending job).
I saw that there s the possibility to create (manually) a quicktime job directly in deadline monitor (right-click on Nuke job and seelct script/submit Quicktime) which doesnt solve my problem because i d like it in one step, but I am curious about what exe file in running Deadline to do it (ffmpeg ??). Is it possible to use this Quicktime script and link it to the nuke script

Second possibility is to Rewrite a in-house simplified Submit to Deadline (less options) that would have a Quicktime feature (and create a pending job).

What is your experience and advice about it ?

Thx by advance

Hey Guy,

This will be come a lot easier in Deadline 5, because you’ll be able to create event plugins that potentially can submit a quicktime job (or create a movie immediately) when another job finishes rendering.

In Deadline 4, your only options are to modify the existing submitter or write your own. You can parse the Job ID from the stdout of submitting the first job to set up the dependency for the second, or you can use Deadline’s multi submit option:

For example:

deadlinecommand submitmultiplejobs -dependent -job <nuke_job_info> <nuke_plugin_info> <nuke_script_file> -job <qt_job_info> <qt_plugin_info>

You can take a look at the QT submitter script that is used in the monitor to see what information needs to be submitted for the QT job (\your\repository\scripts\Submission\QuicktimeSubmission\QuicktimeSubmission.py).

Regarding the original Nuke submit files, the TCL version is meant for Nuke 4 and 5, and the Python version is for Nuke 6. The two don’t actually interact with each other. Hope that simplifies things! :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have anymore questions!

  • Ryan

Thx Russel
I think I have some clues now to start to work.

ooh I like the sound of that v5 feature.

FYI - I can confirm that the new event plugin system in deadline v5.0 works very well…

you told

deadlinecommand submitmultiplejobs -dependent -job <nuke_job_info> <nuke_plugin_info> <nuke_script_file> -job <qt_job_info> <qt_plugin_info>

in this case, what should I write as <nuke_job_info> concretely? and how about <nuke_plugin_info>?

The nuke_job_info file is the general job properties file. A list of all supported options can be found here, along with a few examples:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … _Info_File

The nuke_plugin_info file contains nuke-specific job properties, which are interpreted by Deadline’s Nuke plugin. The best way to see an example of this file is to submit a Nuke job to Deadline using the out-of-the-box submission scripts that ship with Deadline:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … ript_Setup

After the job is submitted, find it in the Deadline Monitor, right-click click on it, and select Explore Repository Directory. There should be a nuke_plugin_info file here that you can open in a text editor to see which properties are set.

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

Thank you,Ryan.
I see, I could find those .job files in my DeadlineRepository.
I will check them, and try next time.