Quicktime Submission doesn't work

The Submit button doesn’t do anything in version Is this fixed in one of the newer updates?

Hello Brad,

I have tested in and 8.0.1 and in both of them I was able to submit using the Quicktime submitter in the monitor. Can you take a screenshot of your submission settings and verify if any errors pop up? Also, can you advise if there are any errors printed to the Monitor Console, accessible from the View menu, then New Panel, and finally Console. This should tell us if there is maybe an issue we aren’t seeing. Thanks.

No errors come up. The Monitor totally freezes and has to be force quit. However, I did notice that after I force quit the Monitor, this little setting window had come up. The little settings window was not visible until after I force quit the Monitor.

Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 1.28.59 PM.png

So I discovered that because those mystery settings are covered up, you can’t click OK to complete the submission. So I did get it to submit but the job failed and there are no error reports for some reason. No slave error reports, no job error reports, and no task error reports.

Hello Brad,

Totally dropped the ball on this. Can you verify if this is still happening in the latest version? If so, can you send over the slave logs for one of the machines which tried to render this? Thanks.