re-submitting chunks to different pools

I want to know if theres an easy way to resubmit chunks to different pools on the fly -

I also would like to be able to add machines and subtract machines to different pools and have the active job be able to see this change and pick up the chunk on the fly - It seems like once the job is active then you can’t switch other machines pools and have it effect the active job -

It seems like there would be more options when you right click and “submit task as new job” - you should be able to see a similar pop up like the original submission pop-up that contains, which pool, frame list, thread count instead of having to go in after wards and modify those settings -

these are just things I’ve run into when using the software, maybey it’s different in the new beta - what is the release date on that by the way, we are migrating to AE cs5 as soon as possible -


Hi Tony,

The “submit task as new job” option doesn’t have a lot of options because all of those options you listed (pool, frame list, etc) can be changed for the new job after it is submitted. Simply choose to suspend the new job after it is submitted, then right-click on it in the Monitor and select Modify Properties. Here you can change all those settings.

When you change pools for a slave, it can take up to 10 minutes for that slave to recognize the change. This is because the slaves only update their settings every 10 minutes to minimize network load. If you want a slave to recognize the change immediately, you can use the Remote Control options to restart the slave after changing its pools. Once a slave has recognized the pool change, it should participate in rendering jobs from those pools.

Deadline 4.1 will be released on August 3rd, and will include CS5 support.


  • Ryan

thanks for getting back so quickly - woo 4.1!!

I was confused initially because when you right click on the newly submitted job after it has been suspended then there isn’t a frame list option under “modify job properties” but its under modify frame range and oh wow I havent used modify scheduling or modify dependencies yet, thanks again!
