Realflow big problem

Hi everyone,

I tried to find something about it on this forum or on the documentation, didn t find anything, so sorry if the subject already exists.

Here is my problem:

I can’t find a way to have a good render of Realflow’s particles. Other kinds of loader works fine. I also tried to partition the realflow’s BIN into PRT and then load it, I get the same result…
The Voxel are all black (mostly), the emission doesn’t work either (the emission wasn t checked on this image).

Thank you for any help.

I think I found the reason.
I don’t know why, but the Realflow’s particle need a very low density, like 5.10^-6 in my case.

You might want to read my post in this thread:

In your case, I assume the scale of the simulation is much smaller and thus the density per cubic unit is too high, so it requires a very small global density multiplier to counteract that.