RealFlow Job Submission

Hi, I am trying out the Deadline Evaluation,
1)when rendering with realflow, the job submission and everything works, the problem is though, the job is stored locally at first, only after resubmitting it in job monitor it is stored in network path,
how to fix this?

  1. The files being written are not in original RealFlow Scene folder, but under Deadline Jobs folder, this is not good, how can i change this? Under Manage Job Properties i didnt have this option,

please help me :slight_smile:


  1. I’m not quite sure I follow you here, can you be more specific? For example, when you say “the job is stored locally”, are you referring to the entire job folder, or just the realflow file?

  2. Is the original realflow scene folder on the network, or is it on your local machine? If the output path is relative to the scene path, then you probably need to keep your realflow file on a network path, and disable the option to submit the realflow scene file with the job when submitting. This way, the slaves load the realflow scene directly from the network location, as opposed to loading it from the local job folder, and the output should be saved appropriately.


  • Ryan