I have a question I can’t seem to figure out. I’ve just started using version 1.5, and the new options with KCM are amazing. I was trying to replicate the work done by pixelpro with his mapping color to the vorticity channel of realflow sims. I got it working no problem(thanks to pixelpro’s awesome tutorial) however I don’t have the ability to run a realflow sim out with resolution set to 14000. now my question:
Is it possible to partition a realflow sim and map the vorticity attribute to a custom channel? When I tried it by loading the .bin files into a PFlow system, adding a realflow update node, selecting vorticity, the krakatoa partition does not keep that data. Is there a way to map the vorticity into the partitioning so that I can get a 10 Million+ particle system that will have vorticity?
It probably depends on how exactly you intend to do the partitioning as there are several approaches.
If you intend to keep the complete animation of RealFlow intact and just shift the particles around a bit, then just loading the BIN in a PRT Loader (btw, the upcoming v1.6.0 of Krakatoa will finally do the transformation of coordinates automatically without the need to rotate and scale the loader) and using a Noise Modifier on top to jitter the particles might be good enough. Check out the workflows here: rnd/docuwiki//index.php/Krakatoa … d_Vertices
If you have some workflow for partitioning RealFlow by driving particles through the same simulation in different ways (is that even possible in RealFlow? That’s how FumeFX and Flood work in PFlow though), then you could do this:
*Create a PRT Loader and use a KCM to copy the Vorticity channel into some channel supported by PFlow, like a Scripted Channel or a Mapping Channel or even the Color channel itself. In fact, you can convert the Vorticity to Color the way you intended to anyway.
*Use the PRT Birth and Update operators to load the particles into PFlow and check that channel to be loaded, but don’t enable Position so the particles can move freely.
*Perform whatever operations you do with the RealFlow operators to move the particles they way you want
*When you partition that, make sure the special PFlow channel you used to get the Vorticity data is specified for saving.
*When you load the partitions in a PRT Loader, that channel will be there either containing the raw Vorticity, or, if you decided to convert the Vorticity to Color before the PFlow step, the final color of the particles.
Hope this gives you a nudge in the right direction…