realtime visual feedback with mental ray

I am looking for a solution for real time visualisation of image rendering.
In clear , i would like a preview of my images while rendering on the farm (using the maya - mental ray tool imf_disp) thus to avoid the complete render of my image before displaying them.
Is there an option to set in Deadline ? or an external tool for deadline to send an image stream to the deadline client ?

(in renderman , or 3delight renderer there is such possibility to follow the render in realtime and get a preview)

anyone experience with mental ray and deadline with same feature. ?

We haven’t tested this ourselves, and we’re not aware of anyone else that is doing this at the moment. Sounds like it would be something interesting to look in to though, although we have our hands full with the OSX version of Deadline at the moment. The mental ray plugin for Deadline is completely scriptable, so if you happen to look in to this and come up with an idea/solution, we’d love to hear it.


  • Ryan

Thx for the reply.

where can I found a more detailed documentation of the plugin ? (do you mean the plugin on Maya side ?)

My guess is that there could be something to script on the render node of the farm also (not only on the client side) since each node has to be aware whrere to send the progressing image stream (he already knows who ask the job)

What do you think ?

The plugin is on the Deadline side - it’s used by the slaves to render mental ray jobs. The mental ray plugin can be found in \your\repository\plugins\MentalRay, and documentation on our plugins can be found here: … ntents.php

There are guides for 2.7 and 3.0 plugins, depending on which version of Deadline you are running.


  • Ryan

the mill’s render manager lets you view mentalray frames on-the-fly, so yes, at least one place is doing it. their farm is all hand-built though, and they have some very talented mentalray developers, so bear that in mind. but it can be done. :slight_smile:

hello matt

do you have the website of this mill’s render manager . Can’t find it.

heh, i was referring to their in-house system, definitely not something they’ve made publicly available!