Recursive Path Mapping Rules

Does Deadline Path Mapping run over multiple path mapping rules that are matched?

Am attempting to submit create path-mapping rule sets with regex to handle nested folder structures on a shared network drive for cross-platform compatibility.

I have 2 rules that each work individually (when placed above the others) but not in succession of each other even with the ‘Recursively apply path mapping rules’. Snippets below.


Rule #1 - Convert All Backslashes on Windows to Forward Slashes (UNIX: Mac/Linux) excluding filenames for particular Drive Letter

Path to Replace: ((?<=Y:\\)|(?<=.*Y:\\((?:[\w\s\-]{1,}\b)([\/\\]))*))(?![\w\s\-]{1,}\.[\w]{1,3})([\w\s\-]+)
Windows Path: $4\
Linux Path: $4/
Mac Path: $4/
Case Sensitive: False
Regular Expression: True

Rule #2 - Convert Drive Letter to Path

Path to Replace: Y:\
Windows Path: \\192.168.x.x\SourceDir\
Linux Path: //192.168.x.x/SourceDir/
Mac Path: /Volumes/SourceDir/
Case Sensitive: False
Regular Expression: False

Example Folder Directory Structure:

Y:\Folder1\N3std_Folder\Another - Folder\v1\source.mp4

Expected Path Mapping Output (Check Path Mapping: Swapped):

/Volumes/SourceDir/Folder1\/\N3std_Folder\/\Another - Folder\/\v1\/\source.mp4

Actual Result with Rule #1 Above:

Y:\Folder1\/\N3std_Folder\/\Another - Folder\/\v1\/\source.mp4

Actual Result with Rule #2 Above:

/Volumes/SourceDir/Folder1\N3std_Folder\Another - Folder\v1\source.mp4


Extra Information:

Deadline Version: v10.0.27.3
Plugin: AfterEffects
After Effects Version: CC 2019 (16.1.2x55)
Render Client/Slave OS: Mac OSX Mojave (10.14)
Submitter Client OS: Windows 10 Pro (Build 1803)