Redshift maya submit , illegal characters warning

Hi , we recently updated redshift for maya from 2.6.31 to 2.6.53
we are now getting an illegal characters warning when we submit jobs and are unable to open any output from the monitor
if i roll back to 2.631 it works fine.

maybe its something simple in the submitter scripts that can be updated?


Could you share the error you’re getting? Though since it’s probably project specific (and something you might not want the whole internet to read) feel free to send that in as a ticket from, just let us know you’re coming from a forum post so we can share a cleaned up solution here.

For anyone coming across this thread in the future:

The characters < and > are illegal characters in file paths. Redshift changed in 2.6.37 to use the token instead of #### for their frame numbering when animations are enabled in their scene.

We’ve fixed this issue in modern versions of Deadline, so if you’re running into this be sure you’re running a modern version of Deadline.