Reflective mate


I am using Krakatoa for a water fountain it looks really great but the thing is the fountain is in a big water pool. and i want the particles, the fountain to cast reflection in the pool water.
dose some one knows how can i do that ?

Here is a image with default particle render. i need reflection like in this image below.

You would have to wait for Krakatoa 2.0 to do something like that.
Right now, I would suggest rendering with the other particles and producing a Reflection Render Element with their reflection in the water to comp in post. The reflection is fuzzy enough to tell whether it was Krakatoa particles or not. Assuming you can get your Krakatoa particles to match the same look…

When does Krak 2.0 come out?

Around the time it is ready, usually a bit later than that :wink:


HAHA! Sorry for laughing but that is about the best non-descript “when is it ready” answer to date :laughing:

Just to tease a little: PRT Volume rendered in finalRender

nice I can’t wait!

how is this handled? is there some kind of link between krakatoa and final render? or does final render just support these new prt objects?