refreshing deadline slaves to 1 or 2 sec's


I am running in free mode, two slaves, and wondering how to decrease deadline slave refreshing time.

I mean when I submit 2 jobs, I want each slave to catch in less than 2 sec.
By default its taking 10->15sec to start slaves working on jobs.
I am wasting 10sec’s here to distrubute my work over slaves.
Is it possible to utilise this time on my ongoing further experiments by changing any settings?? I tried in looking all the tools but didnt find any.

If any one could guide me to the right setting point would be wonderful.
many thanks,


Hi all,

I got solution, not sure, by changing Priority to 100% making slaves to catch job soon than 50%(default).
If there are any more other solutions to solve the above issue will be great.


Hi Prasad,

Setting the priority doesn’t affect the speed in which slaves pick up jobs. The settings that affect this can be found in the Repository options in the Monitor: … e_Settings

If you set “Delay Between Repository Polls” and “Delay Between Tasks” to their minimum values, that should help.


  • Ryan