Remote Command Status

I just wanted to take the time to thanks you for the way the remote command and especially the Remote Command Window works in Deadline 4 and up.

I have been using the remote command for years, but in Deadline 4 it have become THE best tool in our IT arsenal to execute remote command. I have switched all my script to python scripts and I launch the command : “C:\python26\python.exe” “\Path\to\my\”

With the window I can see the stdout and know exactly if the script succeeded or not and if it failed I can see the error in the window… just a joy to use.

I just installed a Softimage hotfix on the entire render farm in 10 seconds… so powerful!

So I can’t thank you enough for this improvement.

Keep up a great work.

Hey Sylvain,

Thanks so much for the kind words! We’re really glad to hear you love this feature!


  • Ryan