Remote Control slaves or machine failed

In deadline monitor I use Remote Control to ForceStopSlave or LaunchSlave never sucessed :
Because the target machine actively refused to connect

The slave system is Windows8 and all firewall is closed.
Pulse is launched.
Is install launcher as a service helpful?What else I missed?

I need deadline can shutdown and start machines as well :slight_smile:

Thank you very much :smiley:

If you remote into the Slave, open a command prompt as Administrator, and enter the following:

netstat -a -b -p tcp

You should find in the list, something like this:

TCP computername:0 LISTENING [deadlinelauncher.exe]

Where computername is the name of the computer. This would indicate that Launcher is, in fact, listening for connections on the port. If so, I would suspect a firewall or other networking issue preventing the connection.

thank you very much :smiley: