Render appears as completed but no output file is created

So, when I try to render with mayabatch plugin I got the error: “Monitored managed process “MayaBatch” has exited or been terminated”. So as said in the documentation I made a render again this time unchecking mayabatch, now the renders appear as completed but no output file is being saved. Does anyone know what’s happening?

Thanks in advance




2019-07-30 17:37:11: 0: Loading Job’s Plugin timeout is Disabled

2019-07-30 17:37:13: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Sync Files for Job’

2019-07-30 17:37:13: 0: All job files are already synchronized

2019-07-30 17:37:13: 0: Synchronizing Plugin MayaCmd from Z:\DeadlineRepository10\plugins\MayaCmd took: 0 seconds

2019-07-30 17:37:13: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Sync Files for Job’

2019-07-30 17:37:13: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script ‘C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\plugins\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user ‘VersusPC’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Task timeout is disabled.

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Loaded job: Machine_Clay (5d406425fb6c456ba861729d)

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script ‘C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\plugins\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Looking for AWS Portal File Transfer…

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Looking for File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/…

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: Could not find AWS Portal File Transfer.

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: INFO: AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2019-07-30 17:37:14: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DEBUG_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTING environment variable to 0 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CIP (ADSK Customer Involvement Program) environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CER (ADSK Customer Error Reporting) environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CLIC_IPM (ADSK In Product Messaging) environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_OPENCL_IGNORE_DRIVER_VERSION environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_VP2_DEVICE_OVERRIDE environment variable to VirtualDeviceDx11 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_RENDER_SETUP_INCLUDE_ALL_LIGHTS environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting REDSHIFT_FORCEQUITONINTERNALERROR environment variable to 1 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_ENABLE_LEGACY_RENDER_LAYERS environment variable to 0 for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2018.0

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Setting PYTHONHOME environment variable to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python for this session

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Performing path mapping on ma scene file

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Running as user: VersusPC

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2018.0

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Executable: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\Render.exe"

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Rendering with Redshift.

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Argument: -r redshift -s 1 -e 1 -b 1 -rd "C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\jobsData\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\mayaOutput_temponMC40" -proj "Z:/ImagenEstatica/MechanicRobot" "C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\jobsData\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\thread0_tempP5XAc0\"

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Full Command: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\Render.exe" -r redshift -s 1 -e 1 -b 1 -rd "C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\jobsData\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\mayaOutput_temponMC40" -proj "Z:/ImagenEstatica/MechanicRobot" "C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\jobsData\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\thread0_tempP5XAc0\"

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin"

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: INFO: Process is now running

2019-07-30 17:37:15: 0: STDOUT: Starting "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\mayabatch.exe"

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Initialized VP2.0 renderer {

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Version : 2016.11.40.12. Feature Level 5.

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Vendor ID: 4318. Device ID : 7171

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Driver : C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_547eeefb57db4499\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore:

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: API : DirectX V.11.

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Max tex coords : 32

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: Active stereo support available : 0

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: GPU Memory Limit : 6144 MB.

2019-07-30 17:37:20: 0: STDOUT: CPU Memory Limit: 15527 MB.

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: }

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: OpenCL evaluator is attempting to initialize OpenCL.

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: Detected 1 OpenCL Platforms:

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: 0: NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA. OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 10.1.120.

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: Supported extensions: cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: OpenCL evaluator choosing OpenCL platform NVIDIA Corporation.

2019-07-30 17:37:21: 0: STDOUT: Choosing OpenCL Device GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Device Type: GPU Device is available.

2019-07-30 17:37:22: 0: INFO: Process exit code: 0

2019-07-30 17:37:22: 0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:\Users\VersusPC\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\VSPC-EternalstormV2\jobsData\5d406425fb6c456ba861729d\mayaOutput_temponMC40 to Z:/ImagenEstatica/MechanicRobot/images/tmp

2019-07-30 17:37:22: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’




Date: 07/30/2019 17:37:23

Frames: 1

Job Submit Date: 07/30/2019 17:37:09

Job User: versuspc

Average RAM Usage: 0 (0%)

Peak RAM Usage: 0 (0%)

Average CPU Usage: 0%

Peak CPU Usage: 0%

Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 0

Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 0


Slave Information


Slave Name: VSPC-EternalstormV2

Version: v10.0.27.3 Release (f9638e9ab)

Operating System: Windows 10 Home

Running As Service: No

Machine User: VersusPC

IP Address:

MAC Address: 4C:CC:6A:66:99:05

CPU Architecture: x64

CPUs: 8

CPU Usage: 52%

Memory Usage: 10.9 GB / 16.0 GB (68%)

Free Disk Space: 402.699 GB (59.657 GB on C:, 260.471 GB on D:, 82.571 GB on Z:)

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

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