Do you mean that the “defaultRenderGlobals.animation” attr controls whether animation is on or off within Maya, or within Deadline?
Within Maya, “defaultRenderGlobals.animation” is the attribute on the main/vanilla Maya render globals. There is also a “defaultRenderGlobals.animationRange” attr that controls whether the renderer looks at the render settings or start/end (I assume this means timeslider?) for the frames to be rendered. But since nobody uses Maya’s renderer anymore this is all but obsolete.
Vray settings are controlled by attributes on the vraySettings node, so that could be part of the problem.
That code block is querying whether the current renderer is Vray or not, and returning the variable $anim from either the defaultRenderGlobals or the vraySettings, depending on the result. So, I’m not sure why that’s commented out, since the vraySettings node still exists.
That said, I did some experimentation with getAttr and setAttr on both the defaultRenderGlobals node and the vraySettings node, but no matter what settings I used I still couldn’t unlock the Frame List field within Deadline
I can’t see any other attributes in either node’s animation-related rollouts that seem relevant, so I’m at a loss to know why this particular scene file won’t cooperate. I’ll try some other scenes as I go and see if it keeps happening.
After setting defaultRenderGlobals.animation to True, you’ll need to restart the submitter, but it ought to work.
If you’re done with the whole adventure, you could just make the IsAnimatedOn() return 1 and that’ll force things. Probably not the best approach, but it should definitely enable that rollout (caveat: if I read the code properly ).
I went into the history, but there was a pretty beefy commit (probably whitespace fixes) that makes it pretty hard to find out when and why that V-Ray code was commented out. I’ll bring it up with our guys and see what they say about it.
After some sleuthing, we commented that code out 5 years ago for Vue 10 support… The original developer is still around, so I just have to find out if they remember why. I sure wouldn’t
So, it looks like it may have been an accidental commit. Would you be willing to uncomment out those lines in the “[repo]/submission/Maya/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” and test?