Render farm Max 2012 submission issues

We are in the final stages of upgrading our render farm to Max2012 and Deadline 5.0. We are getting the following errors when we try to submit a job:
failed to find the file [] in deadline repository. (error code: 1040)
failed to find the file [] in deadline repository. (error code: 1042)
failed to find the file [] in deadline repository. (error code: 1004)
– runtime error: FileStream cannon creat: C\program Files\Thinkbox\deadline\bin\temp_TempDate.txt
– runtime error: FileStream cannon creat: C\program Files\Thinkbox\deadline\bin\logs\submitmaxtodeadline

We have checked the installed repository and it looks good. We have also made sure the permissions are set correctly on the repository folder. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


Hi Jared,

Out of curiosity, have you applied the Max 2012 Hot Fix before running with Deadline 5? There were some severe bugs in the original Max 2012 (specifically MAXScript) that made it impossible to support until the Hot Fix release last week…

Looking at the code, the error messages you are seeing would indicate that the script file was actually not found in the Repository. There is a more general error message worded “Failed To Load the file…” which would appear if an actual error happened within a try()catch() block expression. So it sounds like the Network path was not resolved correctly, but I could be wrong. If you ARE running Max 2012 with Hot Fix applied, I would like to help you debug the issue if you have time. This might require minor tweaks to the Deadline-SubmitMaxToDeadline.mcr script in order to print out the results of the Network Path resolution function to make sure SMTD is actually looking in the right folders.

Also, can you tell me what Operating System you are running?

We do not have the hot fix installed. The OS is win 7 on the slaves and Win Server 2008 for the repository. I think we will start there and see if that resolves the issue. Thanks for your quick response.

the same question,can anybody solve this problem??? please…max2009,the same error…on win7 64bit…deadline4.1

Hmm, the file locking issue should only affect Max 2012, so this must be a different issue…

Can you open a command prompt on your machine and run this command:

deadlinecommand.exe -getrepositoryroot

If you get an error that deadlinecommand.exe isn’t recognized, try reinstalling the Deadline Client software. If it prints out nothing, then use the Deadline Launcher to choose the shared path to your Deadline Repository root. If all of this is already set up properly, let us know and we’ll go from there.


  • Ryan

thanks for help, but we have tried this script and he returned the result below, still error…maybe it’s the problem of win7 ?

still error when we run the submission script in max

I looked through the source code of the script and what you should be trying to run from the command line to check what is going on is:

deadlinecommand.exe -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory

It appears that the result of this call on your machine is empty string “” and this produces an incomplete path “temp_tempDate.txt” which of course cannot be created because it does not exist relatively to the current directory.

Please run the above and tell us whether it returns a valid path or not.
On my Win7 machine, I get

C:\Users\Borislav>deadlinecommand.exe -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory C:\Users\Borislav\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline

On my Win7 , I get

We work in the Active Directory ,All PC have the same problems


Don’t worry, we are all trying to help :slight_smile:

Can you please copy the following code into a New MAXScript editor tab and press Ctrl+E to Evaluate?

[code] (
local result = -2

	local submitOutputFile = sysInfo.tempdir + "submitOutput.txt"
	local submitExitCodeFile = sysInfo.tempdir + "submitExitCode.txt"
	deleteFile submitOutputFile
	deleteFile submitExitCodeFile
	local commandArguments = "-outputfiles \"" + submitOutputFile + "\" \"" + submitExitCodeFile + "\" -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory"
	ShellLaunch "deadlinecommandbg.exe" commandArguments
	local startTimeStamp = timestamp()
	local ready = false
	while not ready do
		sleep 0.15
		if doesFileExist submitExitCodeFile do
			local theFile = openFile submitExitCodeFile
			try(result = readValue theFile)catch(result = -2)
			try(close theFile)catch()
			ready = true
		if timestamp() - startTimeStamp > 10000 then 
			result = -3
			ready = true
	format "Result = %\n" result
	if( result == 0 ) then
		local resultFile = OpenFile submitOutputFile
		local resultMsg = ""
		if (resultFile != undefined) do
			try(resultMsg = readLine resultFile)catch()
			try(close resultFile)catch()
		resultMsg + "\\"

Then please post the content of the MAXScript Listener.

we run your script ,and got this result:

Result = -3

and then we change this line "if timestamp() - startTimeStamp > 10000 then " to "if timestamp() - startTimeStamp > 1000000 then ",and got this :

Result = 0
"C:\Users\fx03\AppData\Local\Prime Focus\Deadline"

by the way, when the error occured, we find this in max script Listener

Resolving Network Path: 10367ms
SMTD_AutoLoadSuccessful = true
Loading 74ms
Loading 7ms
Loading 6ms
Loading 5ms
Loading 6ms
Loading 7ms
Loading 5ms
Total SMTD Launcher Time: 10486ms
– Error occurred in; filename: C:\Users\fx03\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 64bit\enu\scripts\; position: 53811
– Frame:
– theFS: #()
– theIndex: 1
– theFile: undefined
– theDate: undefined
– tempFile: “temp_TempDate.txt”

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: temp_TempDate.txt <<

When you ran the “deadlinecommand.exe -getrepositoryroot” and “deadlinecommand.exe -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory” commands, how long did they take to run? They should only take 1-2 seconds each, so if they are taking significantly longer than that, that could explain the problem.

A few people have run into this “slowness” problem in the past, and each time the solution was to ensure that their Windows installation was fully updated.


  • Ryan

thank you for help…:slight_smile: i’ll try it, and wish we can solve this … god bless me… :nerd:

Max Still have questions ! :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

There any other way? :question: :question: :question:

help :cry:

Just to confirm, was running “deadlinecommand.exe -getrepositoryroot” and “deadlinecommand.exe -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory” pretty fast, or did they take more than 10 seconds each to finish? I just want to confirm if that’s the problem or not before thinking of other things to try.


  • Ryan

We run “deadlinecommand.exe -getrepositoryroot” and "deadlinecommand.exe -GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory"Response time More than ten seconds.
What is the problem or have a solution?

thanks :nerd:

Thanks for confirming. Now we know what to focus on. :slight_smile:

So your Windows 7 installation has all Windows updates applied, correct? If so, the only other thing I can think of is to try running the .NET 2.0 SP2 installer: … laylang=en


  • Ryan

thanks! :nerd:
I’ll try that :exclamation:

I used the above method,Still not!

There are other methods?

I’m going to give up!

Please! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I really can’t think of what else to try. This issue has always been solved in the past by either upgrading .NET 2.0 or by applying all windows updates. Since you’ve tried both of those without any success, I’m not sure what else to do.

I guess we could start by gathering more info. Does this problem occur on all of your machines, or is it just one or two? I’m asking because if you have a “working” machine, perhaps you can use that to re-image the machine you’re having problems with. Sometimes that’s easier than trying to figure out what the actual problem is.


  • Ryan