Hello Ryan,
I am the User’s topic: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4968&start=20
I awaited the release of Deadline 5.0. I am using the trial version. I’m using two new computers and the problem persists.
I’m using “Windows 7 x64”. I applied all the updates and updated. Net Framework. I’m using Max 2011 SP2 with all updates applied.
The command “deadlinecommand.exe-getrepositoryroot” it still takes more than 10 seconds.
Which parts of the script that I can change to increase this time? Or am I thinking that the problem is the lack of license. It is possible to generate a license for two computers for 30 days?
Alvaro Cecconi
The problem definitely isn’t license-related, as deadlinecommand.exe never looks for a license. Would you be willing to test a debug version of deadlinecommand.exe? I think what we could do is build a special version that prints out additional information while running that can help us pinpoint the problem. It should be able to sit in a standalone folder so that you don’t have to mess up your current installation.
One last test on your end too. Do you find this command to be slow?
deadlinecommand.exe -version
This is the simplest command that deadlinecommand.exe can perform, so if that’s slow, then we can pretty much assume it’s a general deadlinecommand.exe problem.
Hello Ryan,
The command “deadlinecommand-version” takes 14 seconds to play.
I’d like to test the debug version.
Alvaro Cecconi
there is a new problem: the deadline can’t get the pool settings correctly,you can see the image below: (deadline 4.1 SP1 win7 64bit MAX2009 or MAX2010 )
Alvaro, thanks for confirming that, and for volunteering to test a debug version. We’ll try to get it uploaded this week.
Ben, I’m pretty sure that is just a side effect of the deadlinecommand.exe delay, since it is also used to gather the pool and groups.
Hi guys,
I’m terribly sorry for the delay in getting this uploaded. It’s been a crazy week! Attached is a debug version of deadlinecommand.exe that has some profiling code added to it. This should help us track down why deadlinecommand takes so long to run. To test it, unzip the attached file to your desktop, open the folder, and then double-click the “test.bat” file. This should create a “test_results.txt” file that you can post back here.
Once we know where the delay is, we can take the appropriate steps to fix the problem once and for all.
Hello Ryan,
I did the test with the debug version that you sent. It was incredibly fast.
What I realized that the versions are different. The version I use is and the version that you sent me is
I tried to copy the files to the deadline \ bin and did not work because deadlinecommandbg.exe not come with the package.
There is the possibility of sending the complete version 5.1?
Alvaro Cecconi
test_results.txt (1.32 KB)
Wow! I’m actually surprised this is faster, because the only change since the 5.0 release was the addition of the profiling code.
Unfortunately, we can’t send you this new version. It’s from an internal alpha version that is nowhere near ready for public use. However, we should be opening up the beta program in July, and we would love for you to join so you can confirm that this problem no longer persists. We’ll be making the announcement here when it becomes available:
I’d like to add a “Me Too”.
Same error, and there are definitely no permission issues. Running Max 2012 SP1, Windows 7 SP1 with all updates, Samba file server, Deadline
All 3 deadlinecommand tests run in less than a second. However, the deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot returns a path with an extra backslash, e.g.:
\myserver\dlrepo, as opposed to \myserver\dlrepo.
Could this be the root of the issue? And even if not, should this be corrected, and how?
I’m currently evaluating Deadline and a few other render managers for our render farm, and this sort of thing can be a deal-breaker, as the users’ expectations for workflow fluidity are pretty high…
Check the repository path that has been configured on this machine. The easiest way is to right-click on the Launcher in the system tray and select Change Repository. I’m guessing the extra slash is there, so just remove it and hit OK.
The 5.1 beta has been open to the public for about a month now, so I would definitely recommend joining if changing the repository path doesn’t help the timeout issue:
Just let them know that Ryan sent you! 