Render Limited To 50%

Hi guys, I submitted a maya job to deadline but it wasn’t getting over 50% (usually around 40%) so I resubmitted it to run on only one slave but the problem continues. Any ideas?

Which renderer are you using (mental ray, mayaSoftware, etc)? If it’s mental ray, try specifying the “CPUs to Use” setting to the appropriate number of threads, instead of 0, to see if that helps. We’ve recently discovered that passing ‘0’ as the thread count to MR results in the default number of threads to be used, instead of the optimal number. This issue will be addressed in the upcoming Deadline 4.1 release.


  • Ryan

Thanks rrussell, I’m using mental ray. Where can I find the “CPUs to use” setting?

Does thread = core?


It’s in the Deadline submitter window in Maya: … on_Options


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan, I’ve been using the monitor to submit, I had no idea Deadline had a shelf option! Well i’ve got that set up and i’m going to re-render. Thanks for all your help!