i know, but i want to map the shading onto the particles,
have them have the same colors as the fumefx renders it…
i think this is what i want to do
"Particle Colors can be defined using Particle Flow colors and materials, including splitting particles to multiple events by temperature using FumeFX Tests to achieve temperature-based gradients shading in Krakatoa. "
That quote is from v1.1.x - in the latest version, you can use a KCM flow to colorize your FumeFX particles based on temperature, fire channel etc.
Have you looked through the Direct FumeFX Rendering page?
If you render as voxels, you won’t get a “grid”.
Alternatively, you can save your FumeFX particles to PRT, then load and randomize the grid position using a high-frequency Noise Modifier.
In the future (possibly v1.5.2), we might support in FumeFX the same random particle distribution we just added to the PRT Volume which will be released with 1.5.1 very soon. (see software.primefocusworld.com/sof … ration.php)
u say use "Absorption channel was overridden to [40,23,11]. "
so i have override absorption on, USE on, and since spinner is at 100, i change the 2nd color the RGB value of 40, 23, 11 correcT?
i dont understand the 2 color pickers, first one is just color, 2nd one is map? and spinner controls how much mapcolor or map itself is used, correcT?
why does 2nd color change to complimentary color when changing first color?
how come krakatoa material when assigned to fume will give red smoke (default color) although scattering is on to white?
still not sure how to use absorption… the darker i make the value the lighter the smoke becomes, meaning value 0 – full absorption?
additive mode is very fast for voxel, but emission doesnot work with it unfortunately
what do the vectors value represent 2, 1 and 0.5?
why is smoke channel required? i put smoke output to 0.1 to get almost none, but the fire that is visible in fume is not rendered with krakatoa emission
4)i changed my input channel to fuel instead of fire and output to color, then the smoke disappears and i get more fire like render (although colors are differnt, and results are the same with emission output)
magma flow wont allow me to have multipe outputs for different wiring set i have to create new kcm_channel for each output?
sorry for all the questions and in case i missed something in the documentation, just trying to shed light in the direction im goin
whynot be able to render each channel just like they appear in viewport? fuel, fire smoke, velocities, turbulence and temperature channels all have unique appearance /particledistribution in viewport, and i guess i have this control when i use pflow -fumefx birth & follow and decide what channel that particles should follow , it seems this is not possible with rendering fumeFX directly
7)last but not least, how can i use fire channel in magma flow to render emissions of my particleflow ? it seems to work when fumeFX is turned on in krakatoa render, but not when it is off? since i dont want original fume render but particle flow is there a way around this?
The left color IS the Absorption. The second color is the Resulting color you would get if white light would shine through white particles using that absortpion. It is like the “color I would like to get when absorbing”, similar to the FIlter color in Max Standard Material. The spinner controls how much mapping to use IF there is a Map. The two colors are linked together and you should enter the above values in the LEFT one, which is the value used to kill the light passing through. Thus, the higher the value in a component in the left color, the MORE that color will be absorbed. That is also scaled by the density so denser particles kill more light. Also, you can use negative values to create light (which is physically incorrect, but possible with the system).
Because Krakatoa Material is actually a KCM flow internally, and KCMs don’t work on FumeFX objects (because we don’t develop FumeFX and all we have is the access their SDK gives us).
We plan to change this by introducing a PRT Volume-like object that will pick a Fume system and turn it to Krakatoa particles in the viewport. As a result, all KCMs, deformations etc will work on Fume systems without having to save to PRT files first. This is planned for 1.5.2.
Additive Mode, as documented in several places, IS emissive. The Color channel gets copied into the Emission channel internally, while Color and Absorption are set to BLACK.
That’s how it works - it cannot absorb and it fully emits the color set in the color channel.
That is a floating point orange color that I am multiplying with the Fire to produce orange rendering where the Fire is present. Krakatoa uses floating point numbers, so instead of using 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and then scaling by 2, I just entered a “hotter” value to get a brighter color.
It is how the SDK access works. Without smoke we don’t get voxel data from the simulation.
Fuel channel contains the unburnt fuel in the simulation. It does not represent the fire and smoke, but the stuff that gets ignited.
Please understand we have no control over how FumeFX works or presents its data to us, we just expose what they give us. It is up to you to tweak the values to produce something usable.
The whole FumeFX rendering thing was needed internally for a project and we used it successfully, but we don’t have much experience with it outside of that project, so it is what it is.
This is like saying Max does not let you bend and twist an object at the same time with one modifier. It is a modifier stack, use it. Each channel requires one KCM, and you can stack them since the higher KCMs will see the changes from the ones below, so you can pass data between them up the stack.
Once again, we don’t know what FumeFX does in the viewport. All we have is the SDK that gives us some channels per voxel, we read them and expose them to you. We don’t get the shading from Fume, just the basic ingredients - where the populated voxels are and what values live in them according to the sim.
This is a question for Sitni Sati since they write the PFlow integreation of FumeFX. What we suggested (and you quoted before) is to split the particles by Temperature into multiple events and color each event according to that (very hot could be white, then yellow, then orange, then red) and the accumulated particles will produce something like the fire shown on the Work In Progress page (Mark Theriault’s test).