Renderman For Maya

Trying to use Deadline with the Renderman for Maya embedded renderer. I can render a maya scene via command line without any trouble, without even declaring the renderer in the path. For example, no “-r rman”. Works with or without it.

But if I try to render through deadline with the provided submission script it fails. Like it can’t find Renderman like it does mental ray. Am I missing a step? Renderman seems fairly prevalent in the submission script. Is there a way to add the “-r rman” flag within the deadline submission?

Thanks in advance.

Which script are you using? Are you using the integrated Maya submitter ( … ript_Setup) or are you using the “Submit Maya Job To Deadline” option in the Monitor Submit menu?

Also, can you send us an error report from the job? You can find the errors by right-clicking on the job and selecting Job Reports → View Error Reports.


  • Ryan

I would like to get it working from the integrated script. Since my initial post I was able to get it rendering by submitting it through the monitor. I had to play with the settings a bit, specifically turn off local rendering. Otherwise it would render the same frame successfully over and over again. After that it seemed fine. But I would really like to get the integrated script working.

I tried turning off MayaBatch, which opens the “Command Line Args” box. But when I type in -r rman (which works at the command line) it says “-r is not a valid flag” and includes a list in the slave output, including “-r”. Is there some formatting i’m not aware or?

This is all on Deadline 4.0. Haven’t been able to run the 4.1 update yet.

Thanks for clarifying. If the MayaBatch option isn’t enabled, Deadline should already be passing -r rman automatically (unless there is a bug). Can you submit the job with the MayaBatch option disabled, and without any additional arguments specified? Then, when the job fails to render, can you grab a log report (as opposed to an error report)? You can view the logs by right-clicking on the job and selecting Job Reports -> View Log Reports.

Also, can you give me the exact Deadline version number (you can find this in the Monitor by selecting Help -> About). If there is indeed a bug, I can try to confirm it on our end, and see if it’s been fixed in a later release.


  • Ryan

Well to add to the mystery… it’s working now. Local rendering, Strict Error Checking, Use MayaBatch, Ignore error Code 211, all turned off. No idea why it worked this time and not earlier. Probably something stupid on my end.

One other oddity is that if I submit through the Deadline Monitor, it renders to the “renderman/images” directory. This time it rendered to my “maya_project/images” like other renders tend to.

As to the “-r” issue, if deadline is automatically adding it, I guess that’s why it rejected me adding it or duplicating the command.

Either way it looks like i’m good on this end.

If it turns out to be a short lived success i’ll let you know. Thanks for the help!

That’s great! Fingers crossed it stays that way! :slight_smile:

That is strange. If you want us to investigate further, please send a log from a Monitor-submitted job that rendered to “renderman/images” and a log from the job that rendered to “maya_project/images” (see my previous post for steps on how to get the logs). We’ll compare them and see if we can figure out why they’re behaving differently.


  • Ryan

I’ll see what I can do, there’s about a dozen stalled, deleted, suspended jobs in the queue right now. Hard to see which is which, I’ll see if I can sort it out. Thanks again!