Reorder Jobs in Monitor


Sorry if this is a silly question, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to reorder the queued jobs in Monitor. Clicking and dragging doesn’t work. Is there an easy solution, or does this have to be a priority setting based on pools or groups? It’d be great to be able to shuffle one task from the end of the line to the next task pending by clicking and dragging…


The order of the jobs in the Monitor is completely unrelated to the order in which they will render. You can sort jobs by clicking on different column headers, but this just changes the order in which they are displayed.

The order in which jobs render can only be modified by changing the job priority or the job pool. The job group just affects which machines the job can render on (it’s not priority-based like the pools are).


  • Ryan

Thanks very much for the prompt and informative reply!