It would be great if I could call a web service script via a PUT or POST request and include a data payload that would be passed through to my web service script.
Hello Nathan,
I’ve passed this by one of our devs and they think it’s feasible to do, and have added it to the wishlist. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks Dwight, that’s great to hear.
I don’t get the sense that much feature development is going on in Deadline these days, but since this request is coming up on 4 years old, and since I just ran into this limitation again, I thought I’d try bumping the thread.
Hey Nathan! Thanks for the bump on it. If I’m honest I’d like to see that myself.
Something interesting it would unlock is being able to write custom scripts to upload files.
I’ll go dust that idea off and see where it lands with people. The web service doesn’t get a lot of feature requests to be honest…
Thanks Edwin.
The web service doesn’t get a lot of feature requests to be honest…
I guess people must be happy shelling out to deadlinecommand
to do any substantive work, or they’re just not doing much customization. I don’t love being forced into a choice between deadlinecommand
and custom web service scripts, but the REST API is still very, very limited…
+1 for rest api updates.
What kind of customization are you looking for @nrusch , might be able to help out.
For some of the things that the standalone & rest api’s cant do compared to the command line, we have wrapped in a flask rest api. Also wrapped the DB in flask, for query/ read purposes.
Happy to help out if i can.
We’re pretty well set on customization, at least given Deadline’s existing limitations. I’m primarily interested in a functioning API that doesn’t require a hand-off to one of Deadline’s client applications, and simultaneously reticent to stand up more servers to work around Deadline’s lack of forward development momentum.
If web service scripts were able to handle all request types, it would be fairly trivial to replace the entire REST API with a single script that simply translated requests directly into .NET API calls.