Request: Job Cleanup by Plugin


We are looking for a way to use the already existing Automatic Job Cleanup process, but with a filter by plugin feature. Basically, we’d want to be able to set up something like 3ds Max jobs archive after 14 days, Nuke jobs after 2 days, etc.



Deadline v7.0 introduced a job-level override: … ml#cleanup

So, depending on how you currently submit your jobs for each plugin-type, you can add the following to the job submission and configure a different job cleanup time per job:

Alternatively, an event plugin could also be created to auto apply different “OverrideAutoJobCleanup” settings per “plugin” type via the “OnJobSubmitted” event, filtering by “job.JobPlugin” type.

Here’s a custom event plugin which based on your settings, will override the Job Cleanup settings when either a MayaBatch, MayaCmd, Nuke or 3dsMax job is submitted to Deadline.
It needs at least Deadline v7.0 to work and by default is disabled, with each job type set to “-1” = disabled and the clean job type set to “Disabled”.

Just extract to …/your/repository/custom/events (3.01 KB)

By editing the Python, param and dlinit file, you can add support for other app plugin types.