Resubmit Job - wrong python

We have a custom event that execute python3 script on job submitted.

It work fine, except when using right click > ‘resbmit job’

We have errors that looks like python2 errors :
Event Error (OnJobSubmitted): TypeError : __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'text'

Does anyone can confirm that ?


This does not look like a python 2 error, but a bug in the plugin. Does the plugin have a text keyword argument?

Here’s the used script.
We exect it on each job submit to automatically populate the Batch Name field to regroup shots by name & excluding some jobs types (maxscript & precomp)

from Deadline.Scripting import *
from Deadline.Jobs import *

import re

"""Put the shot basename in JobBatchName field"""
def __main__( *args ):
    jobs = []

    if len(args) == 1:
        jobId = args[0]
        job = RepositoryUtils.GetJob(jobId, True) 
        jobs = MonitorUtils.GetSelectedJobs()

    rxp = re.compile("[es][0-9]+p[0-9]+[a-z]?([._]).*", re.I)

    for job in jobs:
        jobName = job.JobName
        m = rxp.match(jobName)
        if m:
            job.JobBatchName = jobName.split([0]
            if "[MAXSCRIPT]" in jobName:
                job.JobBatchName = job.JobBatchName + "_maxscript"
            if "_precomp" in jobName:
                job.JobBatchName = job.JobBatchName + "_precomp"
            ClientUtils.LogText("[DLAvocat] JobBatchName : " + job.JobBatchName)

The script is runing fine when i submit a job or if i right click > run script on the job.
It fails only when resubmiting the job