also, the machine limit is still a problem. while submitting with some value it will always reach the render farm with the value of 0
Hmm, I can’t reproduce the dependency or machine limit issues. Can you possibly post videos of how you reproduce them?
Thanks for the video. I was able to reproduce the machine limit bug, which occurs because the machine limit value in the number picker needs to be modified once for it to be set properly under the hood. This will be fixed in beta 19.
I still can’t reproduce the dependencies issue though. Just to confirm, after you upgraded to beta 18, did you follow the steps here to install the new RPM script?
Scroll down to the “Improved RPManager Support and Breaking SMTD Change” section. Note that after installing the new script, you need to configure RPM to use that script. I’m wondering if it’s possible that you’re still using the older script…
- Ryan
i followed the installation instructions. i even deleted the old RPM SMTD script before i installed the new one.
i’ve also replaced the beta 17 SMTD file in the macroscript folder, with the new file that came with beta 18
the new beta 19 also doesn’t include the RPM SMTD script
Oops, there was another typo in our pre-installer script that missed the RPM SMTD script again. This has been fixed internally, so the next beta will have it!
Thanks for confirming that. Could you possibly create a simple test scene that reproduces the dependencies problem and post it here? Preferably a small scene with no external assets. We’ll test it here and see if we can reproduce.
- Ryan
i have attached the file
also, i tried using the machine limit and it is still not working
This is with beta 19? That’s strange. Anyways, thanks for the test scene! I’ll try to test this sometime tomorrow.
Also, just to confirm, when you guys upgrade to beta 18 (and beta 19), did you run the Repository installer to upgrade the repository? If you only upgraded the client machines, that could explain why you’re still seeing the machine limit and dependency bugs…
- Ryan
the process was to run the repository installer in order to upgrade to beta 18 (then to 19). then restart deadline in the clients machines in order to automatically upgrade them to beta 18 (then 19).
Okay, I was able to reproduce the problem with this test scene. Did you create this test scene from scratch after upgrading to beta 18 or 19, or was this a pre-existing scene? I think the SMTD data is kept with the passes after they are submitted, so if this was a pre-existing scene, I wonder if it already had the bad defaults from the older SMTD script, and that’s why it’s not working now.
I confirmed this was the case with the Machine Limit setting, because if I set the machine limit to 2 and back to 1 again, then it was set properly when the job was submitted. Going forward, the internal default will already be set to 1, so you won’t have to set it to another value and then back to 1 for it to work.
However, for the dependencies, I still couldn’t get them to work with this scene. I’ll keep playing with it, but in the meantime, if this was a pre-existing scene, could you try creating a new one from scratch to see if the dependencies work (and confirm that the machine limit bug is fixed)?
- Ryan
i’ve tried submitting a fresh scene and it seems that both the machine limit and the RPM dependencies system are working. i will keep submitting different scenes to make sure of that.
in the meanwhile, there is a bug in switching between the tabs.
by default we see the “Job” tab. if i will not do anything and try to switch to any of the other tabs i will always stay i the “Job” tab. i need to click on the “Job” tab and only then i’m able to switch to any of the other tabs.
ok, so now after submitting the same scene several times, the RPM dependencies stopped working. the passes are beeing submitted without dependencies.
also, while creating dependencies in the monitor i have this problem where after setting up dependencies the pass need to be resubmitted in order to become pending. otherwise it’s just ignore the dependencies.
i’ve attached the test scene.
Thanks for testing that. I’ll point Grant here and see if he has any ideas.
It looks like the rpm submission script is missing in the repository installer for pc?