Same AE project is submitted when submitting new job

Hey all, we’re seeing very strange behavior with our Deadline 5.1 setup. When an artist submits a new job to Deadline from After Effects all looks fine (although the settings always revert to defaults which is new) and the submit script returns success but when we check the manager the same old job is set to render. We’ve tried submitting various other projects but the same thing happens.

It feels like something in the repository is “stuck” and I cleared out old jobs but no luck so far. Any help greatly appreciated.



Hi Vaughn,

Have you tried restarting the artist’s machine? It sounds like one of the files that the submitter creates to submit the job to Deadline is locked. If that’s the case, I would expect a restart to fix this issue.


  • Ryan

We’ve also experienced this problem. Primarily on the Mac and as Ryan said a restart fixed the problem.


Thanks guys, we have tried rebooting but I’ll try again. To you happen to know which file it is the machine is creating? Perhaps I can manually delete it?


The two files it writes to on the Mac are ~/Deadline/temp/ae_plugin_info.job and ~/Deadline/temp/ae_submit_info.job (where ~ is the current user’s home folder).


  • Ryan

Thanks, reboot didn’t work so I’m attempting a delete of those files to see if they’ll be rewritten.