I want to put a private sanity check warning for deadline’s limit groups… I’ve copied the structure correctly, but it’s not picking up whether there are limitgroups enabled or not…
Thanks Russell, thought I had tried that one, but obv got confused… with regards to Private Functions… There is the private functions ms file on the repository but also locally on each machine, when does the local one get used, or updated?
Each time you launch the Submitter on a workstation, all relevant files are copied locally from the Repository IF THEY HAVE CHANGED, then run via fileIn().
If the files have not changed, they are pre-loaded when Max starts via a script in the Scripts\Startup folder. So if you close Max and restart it and the Repository copies are identical to the current local copies, no time is wasted reloading all the functions when you open the Submitter. This was done to cut down the SMTD launch time - look in the MAXScript Listener after opening the Submitter for the startup time results…