Save Bitmap Dialog Box

When rendering via our network, i’ve noticed that if i hit the “Save Bitmap” button in the Max render frame window whilst Deadline is rendering the image, it kills it. The error it gives me is a RenderPluginException - Dialog popup detected: Title “Open”, Message: “Open as %read-only”

Any ideas why this happens and how to fix it?

Hi Mark,

Deadline was intended for non-interactive rendering, but it should be

possible to ignore this popup. First, go to \your\repository\plugins

and open the 3dsmax# folder where # is the version of max you are using.

Then open the 3dsmax#.dlinit file and look for the IgnorePopup# lines.

Under the last IgnorePopup# line, add this new one, and make sure to

increment the number. For example, if the last line said

IgnorePopup3=blah, then your next line will look like:


After adding this line, save the file and try to render the job again.

Let me know if this helps. Note that if you try to overwrite an existing

file, another popup might be detected, so we might have to handle that

one too. Just send us the error message and we’ll look into it.
