Has anyone had issues with regard to saving out from FFX follow. With a birth rate of 1,000,000 it seems to peak at about 600,000 for most of the sequence but then at about 250 frames in it drops to 0 within 10 frames. Got the usual max particle count in pflow maxed out and a delete op after 10 frames etc. The saved PRT files are only 17mb or so at peak.
There is a certain internal limit to the total number of particles PFlow can give birth to (due to limitations to the BornID generation, I believe).
This is not a limit to the number of particles alive at any given moment, but the number of particles that can be given a unique ID even if all previous particles have died already. If I remember correctly, the total number of particles a single PF System can generate is 10 million. So after 250 frames at 1MP/s and 25 fps (10 seconds), you would have given birth to 10M particles already and no new particles could be born because there would be no IDs left to assign to them.
You can reproduce this with a simpler PFlow test:
*Create a Standard Flow.
*Set the Birth to 0 to 300 with Rate to 1,000,000
*Set the System Limit to 10,000,000
*Add a Delete operator to delete after 60 frames
*Set the Scene Range to 0 to 300 and disable real time
*Enable the Particle Count display
*Play back
If you have 25 fps, at frame 250 your particle count will start falling from 1M against 0 because no new particles could be created.
This is the MAIN REASON for the existence of the Krakatoa Partitioning subsystem.
If you need 2500 frames for example, you could set the Birth Rate to 100,000 and produce 10 partitions without running out of IDs.
Then combine the 10 partitions in one PRT Loader and you will have a million particles without running into the limit…