I have a unusual request, wich i have no idea if it is duable.
I would like to have a script to merge 2 job together. So if a choose 2 job, i could go in script --> Merge, which would take both (or more) of the job, and separate them in a single job with different task.
This could be particularly useful to merge multiple draft job, as well as merging many small nuke job of the same artist.
Thanks !
Could you not just suspend 1 of the jobs and then just modify the frame range of the other job?
I assume to successfully merge 2 or more jobs here, that the jobs are in fact identical with the exception of their free range?
The modify frame range functn can handle a complex frame range such as: 0-20x2,21-50,51-100x5
The goal of this is to be avle to merge many draft job together to be able to activate the concurrencie jobs, so no the frame range cannot be changed :S