I must be missing something here, because what you’re describing sounds like the default dependency behavior to me.
Could you explain what the default pending->queued scheduler isn’t providing for you? The script you’re attempting to write should be quite simple to achieve, but where, when and how to run it is possibly a bit more complex.
I have 3 jobs set this way:
Job 1 → Job 2 (depends from 1) - Job3 (depends from 3)
Job1 (Export ASS files)
Job2 (Renders to EXR)
Job3 (Deletes ASS files)
I noticed that if someone suspend Job3 and later resumes it, the job starts ignoring if the Job2 is finished.
I know the correct way of “resume” a dependency enabled task is “mark job as pending”, but I want to avoid mistakes. In this case Job3 is going to delete ass files, so a mistake will make the render fail.
Slightly adjacent to your current request, you could neatly solve this through a post-job script for Job2 that cleans up the frames. There’s still room for error there, as with most of these auto-cleanup scenarios – like if a user wants to re-run a frame, or a job.
If you still want to keep the cleanup as an actual job and write a script for this, I would recommend an event plugin. The plugin can listen for whatever job-state you think best captures your scenario: Event Plugins — Deadline documentation
Perhaps OnJobReleased or OnJobStarted callbacks? Then, depending on the status of the job’s dependencies you can take appropriate action (eg. place the job back in a pending state if required).
As for traversing dependencies, unless I’m misunderstanding something, you’re actually after the Job object itself, not each Task.
Here’s a Monitor (Job) script you can mess around with that I hope illustrates dependency retrieval:
from Deadline.Scripting import RepositoryUtils, MonitorUtils
from Deadline.Jobs import Job
def __main__(*args):
selected_jobs = MonitorUtils.GetSelectedJobs()
for job in selected_jobs:
dependencies = traverse_dependencies(job)
print('Dependencies for job {}:\n- {}'.format(
'\n- '.join([x.JobName for x in dependencies])
def traverse_dependencies(job): # type: (Job) -> list[Job]
_dependencies = [] # type: list[Job]
def recurse(job_ids, flush_cache=False): # type: (list[str], bool) -> None
if not job_ids:
# NOTE: Only flush `GetJobs` cache the first time we call it
# Anything else seems to take you straight to crashville
_jobs = RepositoryUtils.GetJobs(job_ids, flush_cache)
for _job in _jobs:
recurse(_job.JobDependencyIDs, False)
recurse([job.JobId], True)
return _dependencies