Yeah, we should probably document these controls better. Here is some basic info on how they’re used:
Color Control
To add a color control to the script dialog, use AddControl. For example:
scriptDialog.AddControl( "Test1", "ColorControl", Color.Red, 200, -1 )
The parameters are name (string), control type (string), initial value (Color), control width (integer), control height (integer). Note that the Color type is from System.Drawing.Color: … color.aspx
So you need to import System.Drawing before you can use it:
from System.Drawing import *
This is just like a RangeControl. For example:
scriptDialog.AddRangeControl( "Test2", "ProgressBarControl", 33, 1, 100, 0, 0, 200, -1 )
In this case, we would use the following to set the progress to 66:
scriptDialog.SetValue( "Test2", 66 )
This is also just like a range control, but it appears this control in broken in Deadline 4.0. So we’ll have to fix this for 4.1. To use it though, here is an example:
scriptDialog.AddRangeControl( "Test5", "SliderControl", 33, 1, 100, 0, 1, 200, -1 )