SDK - how to "colorize" output in Slave log


How can I specify color of text in my slave log when I’m priting to it… ? Is there any way to do stuff like

<font style="color:rgb(100, 100, 255)";>Job Progress</font>  Some more stuff

(I know I cant coz its not working)
In which case I’m specifying part of txt to be blue and rest white?


Deadline assumes that the logs contain text, not HTML code.
The colorization is performed optionally based on RegEx matching typical tokens, as explained in the documentation here:

Text is highlighted based on a number of predetermined criteria, including severity level (ERROR , INFO , WARNING ), output stream (STDOUT , PYTHON ), and other special elements like timestamps and headings.


Hmmm thats a shame. I guess I’m stuck to white and putthing LOTS of empty space to “prioritize” certain informations.

Welp +1 from me for html style coloring as next feature ^^