seems that no body get this error ???on maya2011 win7

i use maya2011 on win7 64bit, and deadline 4.1 SP1
when i try to start the script on maya2011 i got this error :

running deadline command: -getrepositoryroot
// Error: $result = substituteAllString($result, "锘?, “”);
// Error: Unterminated string. //
// Error: }
// Error: Procedure is missing a return statement. //

i try to search this on web but seems no result …
it’s make me crazy…can anyone solve it easy???
please …thank you …

I found the problem.
It’s a error on the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”

Then I change it,it’s work good.

// Fix the output, removing the BOM of UTF if interpreted as string.
// Thanks to Fernando Tortosa for figuring this one out.
$result = substituteAllString($result, "锘?, “”);

and I change it as follow:
// Fix the output, removing the BOM of UTF if interpreted as string.
// Thanks to Fernando Tortosa for figuring this one out.
$result = substituteAllString($result, “\r”, “”);

Glad to hear you figured it out. Your “fixed” version looks just like the version that ships with Deadline, so I’m wondering if the script file was corrupted somehow during installation. Oh well, as long as it works now… :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

I think the problem is chinese win 7 system. 锘? is not a right chinese chractor.

Maybe when it installed,the chractor is break down by the windows system.

Could you give me the “original” mel script,the versions before Install Packaged ? And I can test on my chinese Win 7 system.
Maybe is “Double byte characters”,it’s nomal when use Asia chractor system,like chinese,japanese,and etc.

you can send it to my gmail. :slight_smile:

Here’s the file! (21.6 KB)