I was wondering if it is possible to get the count of selected “items” in the deadline monitor.
For instance, I’d like to know how many slaves are selected when selecting multiple slaves in the slave/pulse list.
Same thing for selected jobs in the job/task list layout.
I think that in the “count bar” of the layouts would be a nice spot to put that. (the bar that says : Slaves (12 Rendering, 3 idle, 2 stalled, 5 offline) for the slave layout, and same for the jobs layout Jobs (10 queued, 5 active,…)
At the moment, when I want to count slaves, I select them and try to connect by VNC. When you select more than 5 machines, deadline will give you the machine count in a popup message. Then I cancel the VNC connection attemp.
Same workaround for the jobs, I attempt to delete them, then I see the count, and cancel the confirmation message.
I don’t know if the forum is the proper place to ask for this… But it feels to me like it wouldn’t be very hard to implement ?