Hi guys,
We have 1 full Nuke seat (currently at 5.1v6), and 1 render license.
In another post Ryan already pointed someone in the right direction for rendering through Deadline using the interactive license.
Of course it’s easy to just hit F5 while you’re using Nuke, but I would like to be able to use both our licenses for rendering during nights and weekends.
Maybe I could add a 2nd Nuke renderer for the GUI licensed version to the repository?
Any ideas how to set this up?
Hi Dennis,
Ideally, it would be nice if Nuke didn’t find a render license, it would automatically fall back to a workstation license (or vice versa), but oh well.
One potential workaround is to modify the Nuke.py plugin file to check which machine it’s rendering on and set the license option appropriately. So open the file \your\repository\plugins\Nuke\Nuke.py and find this section of code:
## Called by Deadline to get the render arguments.
def RenderArgument( self ):
# Enable verbosity and execute the Nuke script (as opposed to editing it)
renderarguments = "-V -x"
threads = GetIntegerPluginInfoEntryWithDefault( "Threads", 0 )
if threads > 0:
LogInfo( "Using " + str(threads) + " threads for rendering" )
renderarguments += " -m " + str(threads)
After the renderarguments = “-V -x” line, you could insert this:
if Environment.MachineName == "my_workstation":
renderarguments += " -i"
Of course, change my_workstation to the host name of your workstation.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try as soon as I can and let you know. Maybe others will find it useful as well.
I can understand why it works the way it does by default; I mean you don’t want your farm to pick up
a license that your colleague might need 10 minutes after you’re done with your comp.
But having it as an option would be nice.
Maybe we could add an option to the Nuke plugin configuration that allows one to specify a semicolon separated lists of machine names. Then if Nuke is rendering on one of these machines, it uses the interactive license instead of the render license.