Is it possible to create a custom default “Style” for all users of a particular repo? This stems from an idea regarding changing the monitor UI (with a color) to let people know if they are on a particular internal release of a repo (dev or production, etc). Since most of our users connect via RCS, there’s not much immediate transparency to the user regarding what repo they might be connected to.
+1 would be interested to know, the UI is pretty out-dated and stiff so a lot more flexibility would be welcome.
It’s not possible to set colours based on the repository selected, as that’s stored locally. I’m referring specifically to what you can set in the Monitor under Tools->Configure Monitor Options->Styles.
What you can associate with a Repository is a layout, but I wouldn’t like a ‘jobs are on the left on prod, on the right on test’ kind of workflow.
Your users have to keep relying on the contents of the window’s title bar to know which RCS they’re connected to.